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What We Do
RTOC brings volunteers and communities together to provide free housing repair and neighborhood revitalization for low-income homeowners in Oakland County, Michigan.
Who We Help
Low-income families and neighborhoods within Oakland County in need of home rehabilitation. With the support of community volunteers and donations, we provide free home rehab to homeowners who are elderly, disabled, veterans, and families with children to ensure they live in warmth, safety, and independence.
How To Get Involved
Our Sponsors
Our sponsors are important building blocks to the blueprint of our success in Oakland County. Here is a list of some of our biggest corporate partners ($5,000 contributors and above):
Featured Project
Eaton makes a difference in Southfield
May 12-13th, 2016 - Voluntees from Eaton Corporation spent 2 days providing beautification for Bauervic Park in Southfield.
Project Photos Local 4 News Story
Featured Story
Local 4 News covers a Milford resident getting home repairs on Rebuild Day 2016
April 30th, 2016 - Volunteers from Rushlow Construction and Iverson's Lumber provide much needed home repair to an elderly Milford homeowner on our April 30th Rebuild Day. Local 4 News with the story.
Channel 4 Story
"Rebuilding Together Oakland is the most awesome, terrific thing in the world. They put up a ramp for my daughter who has Cerebral Palsy and it has been such a blessing not have to worry about her or my safety getting her in an out of the house. Gentlemen that constructed the ramp where sweet and kind. Thank you so much for providing this service to my daughter and myself."